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A juried international photography exhibition

January 18 – February 10, 2018

Oscillator in Tualatin Hills Nature
Untitled No. 2
Flashback No.5
White noise -  Portrait No. 1
Family Portrait 2016
Goddess Of Mourning
Metamorphosis No. 4
The War Game, Szcescin, Poland 1994
We Are Not Alone No. 4
Marlene H.
Stand-in Model
Beauty Ad
The River Is Moving No. 3
Little Boy Sulking
Dinner No. 1
Cotton Candy
Constructs No. 5
Passion for Sailing
Behind the Scenes No. 4
Maman est morte mais pas moi No. 5
Prisoner or Beauty
The Doves No. 1
The Builder

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Although staged photography emerged as a distinct artistic genre only a few decades ago, staging has been a standard photographic practice from the early days of the medium. For some genres like still life, fashion or nude photography, setting the stage and directing the models are almost intrinsic aspects of the creative process. Photographs belonging to other genres, for instance portraits, may or may not be staged or directed. For this exhibition we are looking for images, which have been constructed to create a unique meaning. We invite works created by artists who, in addition to that of the photographer, also assume other creative functions, such as setting or designing the scene, directing the model(s), sometimes designing the costume and set, or even applying makeup and prosthetics. Staged images, however, do not necessarily have to involve human or nonhuman models as they may rely merely on the arrangements of selected objects into a meaningful scene. 

Juror's choice

Pato HebertOscillator in Tualatin Hills Nature Park

Honourable mentions

Farzin ForoutanParallel Streams No. 2

Lea Lovišková: Flashback No.5

Tímea Telkes: White noise -  Portrait No. 1


Exhibiting photographers

Michael P. Amato (Cromwell, CT, USA), Andreea Andrei (London, UK), Rolly Astrom (Burlington, Ontario, Canada), Kincső Bede (Covasna, Romania), Michael J Berkowitz (New York, NY, USA), Eva Brunner (Berlin, Germany), Jake Carlson (St. Augustine, FL, USA), András Á. Cséfalvay (Dunajská Streda, Slovakia), Sylvia de Swaan (Utica, NY, USA), Tim Dechent (Bielefeld, Germany), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Farzin Foroutan ( Mashhad, Iran), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Diana Guerra (New York, NY, USA), Pato Hebert (New York, NY, USA), Susan Keiser (Ossining, NY, USA), Josiane Keller (Asheville, NC, USA), Paul Kessel (New York, NY, USA), Lea Lovišková (Bratislava, Slovakia), Vicky Martin (Staffordshire, UK), Jose Martinez Perea (London, UK), Ralph Mercer (Needham, MA, USA), Mindaugas Meskauskas (Vilnius, Lithuania), Kelly Celeste Porter (Johnson City, TN, USA), Marcie Rich (CA, USA), Vered Shachaf (Haifa, Israel), Dina Sirat (Jerusalem, Israel), Christopher St.Armand (New York, NY, USA), Konrád Taródi-Nagy (Kecskemét, Hungary), Tímea Telkes (Budapest, Hungary), Martin U Waltz (Berlin, Germany), Georg Worecki (Daleiden, Germany), Xueou Yu (Dalian, China), Jennifer Zwick (Seattle, WA, USA)

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