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Significant Colour

A curated international photography exhibition

August 25 – September 17, 2022                                                          newsletter

Beyond The Corner
Millenium Morning
Row Boat 1
Imaginary Colours 3
Fire Extinguishers No. 3
Abstract pathwalk
Red Door
Let me ride, sweet chariot (Green)
Colors of Freedom 1
La piscine
Purple Hues
Magical Nature 3
Red Leash
Someone likes it pink
Rain Barrel
The Red Wall
Gray and green
Bluette Series N° 1
Bluette Series N° 2
LA Scene
Sunny Day
I Was About To Listen 2
Window Shopping
Concrete Cube
Piazzola Evening
One Slice at a Time
Blue Moon
Passions in red 2
Behind the blue
Stained glass on the floor

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There are two kinds of photographs with respect to the significance of their use of colours. On the one hand, ever since colour film technology became widely available, colour has become the default in most photographic practices. That is, some photographs are in colour not because their colours bear some special significance (compared, for instance, to their possible black and white counterparts) but simply because the available film or digital technology has long turned colour to be the common method of capturing photographic images. We may think of these photographs as colour by default. On the other hand, colours are often central to the meaning of photographs for their emphatic, symbolic, psychological, social, compositional, etc. significance. These photographs would not work in black and white the same way or they would not work at all; that they are in colour is not merely a technological given, rather, it is an integral, formative and significant aspect of their photographic meaning. We may think of these photographs as colour by significance.


Curator's choice

Eszter Varga: Beyond The Corner

Honourable mentions

DKMillenium Morning

Gavin Libotte: Red

Allan Syphers: Row Boat 1

Exhibiting photographers

Salwa Afef (Hilversum, Netherlands), Dorothea Bornemann and Ruth Güse (Frankfurt, Germany), Elle Cee (Washington, DC, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), DK (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Christopher N. Ferreria (San Diego, CA, USA), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), Aleksandra Golubchikova (Votkinsk, Russia), Cheryl L. Guerrero (San Francisco, CA, USA), Leena Holmström (Oulu, Finland), John Kosmer (Fly Creek, NY, USA), Ladka Kurzrock (Sydney, Australia), Vincent Leandro (Talent, OR, USA), Shifra Levyathan (Ramat-Gan, Israel), Gavin Libotte (Sydney, Australia), Faouzi Louadah (Algiers, Algeria), Laura Malaterra (Genova, Italy), Leba Marquez (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Dan McCormack (Accord, NY, USA), Fern L. Nesson (Cambridge, MA, USA), Léna Piani (Ajaccio, France), John Potter (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Ann Prochilo  (Swieqi, Malta and San Francisco, CA, USA), David Christian Rehor (Roanoke, VA, USA), Susan Reyman (Chicago, Il, USA), Inna Rogatchi (Turku, Finland), StreetMax21 (London, UK), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Leanne Trivett S. (Johnson City, TN, USA), Eszter Varga (Kecel, Hungary), Tamás Varga (Budapest, Hungary), Eddy Verloes (Boutersem, Belgium), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany)

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