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The Shape of Things             

A curated international photography exhibition

May 9 – June 1, 2019                                                                    newsletter

In a Row
Mosaic Decay
Fanning out
de Construction
Shape No. 1
Infinite Finity No. 1
Untitled No. 3
Window No. 1
Tell me all about it
Dead Forest No. 4
Soccer Goal in Fog
Reflection I
Entity No. 1
Music No. 4
Abstract No. 7
Morning Light Across My Vanity

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Objects in our visual environment come in many forms and photographers are often intrigued by the shape of things. In some photographic genres the images of things have a simple, depictive function; they are merely part of a complex image that may consist of several recognizable objects but their shape is not significant in the overall composition of the image. At the other end of the spectrum, abstract photography concentrates on shapes and forms for their own sake up to a point when we can no longer recognise the objects themselves. Between being either insignificant or the only significant element, the shape of recognisable things may also be the driving compositional component of an image. That is, the shape of things may be of central importance to the composition of photographs not only in abstract photography but also in other genres. These images capture our attention and stand out for their creative form.

Juror's choice

Aleksandr KutsepalovDeliberateness

Honourable mentions

Julien Bihan: In a Row

Daniela Bombelli: Koyaanisqatsi

Daniel McCormackLenoir_R_10-20-18--1656_05

Exhibiting photographers

Haraldo Albergaria (Campinas, Brazil), Mildred Alpern (New York, NY, USA), Michał Amerek (Podłęże, Poland), Meruyert Bacheyeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Karin Bauer (Bisamberg, Austria), Julien Bihan (Montréal, Canada), Daniela Bombelli (Rome, Italy), Liza Botkin (Studio City, CA, USA), Loda Choo (Austin, TX, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Ildikó Farkas (Törökbálint, Hungary), Hanna Fichte (Santiago, Chile), Dan Gemkow (Chicago, IL, USA), Nadide Goksun (Scarsdale, NY, USA), Eva Gstoettner (Vienna, Austria), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Berta Ibanez (Foix, France), Karoliina Kase (Poltalloch, Australia), Mónika Kurucz (Budapest, Hungary), Aleksandr Kutsepalov (Novosibirsk, Russia), Ema Lancaricova (Trnava, Slovakia), Dan McCormack (Accord, NY, USA), Péter Menyhárt (Budapest, Hungary), Joseph O’Neill (New York, NY, USA), John Pingree (Waterdown, Ontario, Canada), Erin Purcell (Tampere, Finland), Anelyn Radulescu (Bucharest, Romania), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Alice Serafino (Pinerolo, Italy), Géza Seres (Budapest, Hungary), Kristal Serna (Ann Arbor, MI, USA), Angéla Vaszkó (Budapest, Hungary)

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