–scapes – Barcelona
A curated international photography exhibition
June 9-15, 2023, PH21@Barcelona newsletter
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There are all sorts of natural, artificial, and even staged scenes that capture the attention of photographers, compel and inspire them to pause, observe and create an image for the sake of the scene and convey a personal interpretation of what they see. These types of photographs go by a variety of names; they are called landscapes, cityscapes, streetscapes, seascapes, waterscapes, cloudscapes, or even desertscapes, treescapes, bodyscapes, and the like. Among these photographs the most successful ones go well beyond the mere recording of the visual qualities of a place as they bear the marks of the interpretive insights of the photographer. They make us contemplate a scene as meaningful and significant. For it is never challenging to merely re-present; it takes a novel conception of the scene to engage us, viewers, through the keen eyes and the creative mind of the photographer.
Curator's choice
Bo Bergström: Towards the horizon
Honourable mentions
Porter Gifford: Red Rock Park
Anna Magérusz: Transit
Allan Syphers: Before The Storm 2
Exhibiting photographers
Michał Amerek (Podłęże, Poland), Marea Atkinson (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia), Alex Bard (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Emmanuelle Becker (Paris, France), Bo Bergström (Stockholm, Sweden), Nancy Stalnaker Bundy (Minneapolis, MN, USA), Barbara Cecchini (Riccione, Italy), Robert Crifasi (Boulder, CO, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Mark A. Dierker (Dubuque, IA, USA), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Szabina Farkas B. (Pécs, Hungary), Christie Fluder (New York, NY, USA), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), Rytis Gervickas (Kaunas, Lithuania), Porter Gifford (Cambridge, MA, USA), Page Hall (Columbus, GA, USA), Anna Hartman Ksycinska (Rzeszów, Poland), Leena Holmström (Oulu, Finland), Margrieta Jeltema (Bolsena, Italy), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Markus Kliss (Tartu, Estonia), Yoomee Ko (New York, NY, USA), Mar León Sánchez (Sevilla, Spain), Jeffrey Loope (Charleston, SC, USA), Michelle Luke (Kalispell, MT, USA), Paulo Madureira (London, UK), Anna Magérusz (Barcelona, Spain), Jose Ney Milá Espinosa (Kissimmee, FL, USA), Ney Milá Perdomo (Kissimmee, FL, USA), Janet Milhomme (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Robert Morrissey (Portland, OR, USA), Anna Nagy (Rome, Italy), Stefan Neagu (Onesti, Romania), Fern L. Nesson (Cambridge, MA, USA), Stephanie L. Paine (Lafayette, LA, USA), John Potter (Dubuque, IA, USA), Karen Safer (Playa del Rey, CA, USA), Carl Shubs (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Dina Sirat (Netanya, Israel), Gábor Sorok (Budapest, Hungary), Phillip Staffa (Berlin, Germany), Grant Stirton (Ottawa, Canada), StreetMax21 (London, UK), Erik Suchy (North St. Paul, MN, USA), Jennifer Swanson (Chicago, IL, USA), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Jagoda Zwiernik (Edinburgh, Scotland)
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