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A curated international photography exhibition

December 17, 2020 – January 9, 2021                                                   newsletter

Sportscape No. 1
Bottled Water
Horizon Series: December 31, 2016
Midnight in March II
Country Road
Deep Weaving 1
Deep Weaving 5
Rocky foreshore bodyscape
Gas Station
6 feet
Corona Fashion
Parking Lot Imprint
Inside Out
Intermission: Jet Stream
Intermission: Industry
Coming Storm
Entrance to Jerseyville Cemetary
Social Distancing in the Distance
Lakeview straight ahead
Seashore souvenir
Dying Alone
Pandemic Shadows No. 2
Pandemic Shadows No. 5
Beneath Us No. 3
Beneath Us No. 4
Tent Scape
Urban Scape
Pasted Natures
Kollódium-archívum 48.
A Fine Line
Horizon Series: August 22, 2018
Block of Flats
Harmony No. 2
Blown Away
Roadside Monument
Urban Nature 02
Urban Nature 05
Douce Bretagne No. 5
Objeto Lugar
Velas Al Viento
Dancing doll
Sportscape No. 3
Snow Makeup
Half Moon Bay 3
Milky Way over Wall Street
Dreamscape No. 1
Dreamscape No. 2
Short Halls Mall
Two months next to a walnut tree
Coming Attractions
Rottenbiller Street
Mysterious Yellow Mountains
Ode to Noise
Footnote No. 2
Footnote No. 3
Oasis No. 2, A. B. Dobrowolski Polar Station
Oasis No. 7, Wounded Bird
Full of you is the curve of silent No. 1
Full of you is the curve of silent No. 2

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There are all sorts of natural and artificial scenes that capture the attention of photographers, compel and inspire them to pause, observe and create an image for the sake of the scene and convey a personal interpretation of what they see. These types of photographs go by a variety of names; they are called landscapes, cityscapes, streetscapes, seascapes, waterscapes, cloudscapes, or even desertscapes, treescapes, bodyscapes, and the like. Among these photographs the most successful ones go well beyond the mere recording of the visual qualities of a place as they bear the marks of the interpretive insights of the photographer. They make us contemplate a scene as meaningful and significant. For it is never challenging to merely re-present; it takes a novel conception of the scene to engage us, viewers, through the keen eyes and the creative mind of the photographer.

Juror's choice

Sabine Nagel: Sportscape No. 1

Honourable mentions

Diana Cheren NygrenBottled Water

Kip Harris: Horizon Series: December 31, 2016

Karoliina KaseMidnight in March II

Exhibiting photographers

Mildred Alpern (New York, NY, USA), Marco Bordignon (Accra, Ghana), Brian Cann (Waldenbuch, Germany), Diana Cheren Nygren (Brookline, MA, USA), Loda Choo (Austin, TX, USA), Brooklyn Cobb (New York, NY, USA), David A. Cohen (Evanston, IL, USA), Maria Coletsis (Vancouver, Canada), Eric Conrad (Lawrence, KS, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Peter Devenyi (Ottawa, Canada), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), Kosta Djurakovic (Belgrade, Serbia), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Jacqueline Ennis-Cole (London, UK), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), Yiannis Galanopoulos (Abu Dhabi, UAE), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Alan Gaynor (New York, NY, USA), Maureen J Haldeman (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Kip Harris (Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada), Karoliina Kase (Adelaide, Australia), Aashish Kaul (Albany, NY, USA), Elizabeth Kayl (Loveland, CO, USA), Inbal Kristin (Ashkelon, Israel), Stefanie Lebowski (Paris, France), Laura Malaterra  (Genova, Italy), Luis Marino (Mazarrón, Spain), Yoshitaka Masuda (Tokyo, Japan), Sabine Nagel (Potsdam, Germany), Lennette Newell (Placerville, CA, USA), Satoko Nishioka (Tokyo, Japan), Rachel Nixon (Vancouver, BC, Canada), Bryce Parker (Saint George, UT, USA), Kathleen Rogers (Summit , NJ, USA), Marian Rubin (Montclair, NJ, USA), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Judit Erzsébet Szabó (Budapest, Hungary), Paul Thomas (Bellport, NY, USA), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), Barbara van Schaik (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Jakub Wawrzak (Toruń, Poland), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Giorgia Zaccaria (Rome, Italy)

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