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A juried international photography exhibition

March 9 – April 4, 2017

Rancho Seco Park, Herald, California
Oslo Transfer
Katrina Bus Station Jail
In Memoriam
The Woman at the window No. 2
Subconscious No. 3
Obscura Magica
Ataqueridas No. 4
Dissimilar – Positive
Tiltup No. 1
Hold Still of Mother
Paris Fashion Week
Pretty Little Life
Stampede to Canada
Forest Wanderer
Passport to Prehistory
Coge por la sombra No. 3
No violence No. 3
Spaces to be filled
Into the Wild

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Roland Barthes in his Camera Lucida famously introduced the concept punctum in opposition with studium. Studium refers to the manifest content of the photograph that is responsible for creating interest in the image, and we may be interested in the subject of photographs for all sorts of reasons. However, it is only images with punctum that capture our attention for the sake of their formal photographic qualities, regardless of their depicted content. It is a detail of the image that sharply captures our attention, attracts us to the photograph and makes it stand out of the thousands of other photographs we encounter. It is a formalist condition, and discovering the presence of punctum in an image depends on the searching eye of the spectator. Thus punctum is regarded as a highly subjective notion by many, while others may argue that there could be objective ways of demonstrating the presence of punctum in some works. It is likely among the most challenging tasks for a photographer to create images with punctum but this is precisely what we are looking for in this exhibition.



Juror's choice

Gary JustisWeber


Honourable mentions

Wes BellRapt No. 3 – Towpath Road, Accord, NY, USA 

Michael Patrick MartinRancho Seco Park, Herald, California

Juergen Sarge8566090516


Exhibiting photographers

Ahmet Albayrak (Kayseri, Turkey), MB (Palo Alto, CA, USA), Nándor Balvin (Budapest, Hungary), Wes Bell (Medicine Hat, AB, Canada), Lindsay Brice (New York, NY, USA), Kati Bruder (Vienna, Austria), Evy Cohen (Paris, France), David Craven (Los Altos, CA, USA), Olivia Czarniecka (Wrocław, Poland), AnnieLaurie Erickson (New Orleans, LA, USA), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Ying Min Goh (London, UK), Stephanie Guillen (Zurich, Switzerland), Pato Hebert (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Michalina Hendrys (Kraków, Poland), Karen Holmes (Alameda, CA, USA), Chris Ireland (Fort Worth, TX, USA), Steve Jacobs (Barcelona, Spain), Diana Nicholette Jeon (Honolulu, HI, USA), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Holly Lay (Las Vegas, NV, USA), Lodiza LePore (Bennington, VT, USA), Michael Patrick Martin (San Jose, CA, USA), Melissa Morano (Tenafly, NJ, USA), Boris Nazarenko (Moscow, Russia), Sarah Nesbitt (Detroit, MI, USA), Anastasia Potekhina (Moscow, Russia), David Querol (Barcelona, Spain), Paola Rizzi (Vigevano, Italy), Susan Rosenberg Jones (New York, NY, USA), Juergen Sarge (Köln, Germany), Stefano Scappazzoni (Passirano, Italy), Paul Stapp (Saint Paul, MN, USA), Gábor Szeley (Budapest, Hungary), Zoltán Vadászi (Budapest, Hungary)


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