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Motion – Rome

A curated international photography exhibition

November 11–22, 2022, PH21@Rome                                                    newsletter

Dancers No. 5
Formation Flying No. 2
Pylon No. 2
Vague à l'âme
Danza macabra
Dia De Los Muertos-Green Shawl
Grand Canyon Moon Streak No. 2
Looking for Escape No. 3
Uphill Ride
Fukazawa Junko
Earth, Wind, and Fire
Sands of Time
Girl With Wings
Underwater fireworks
Autumn Breezes No. 2
The Dance
Beautiful Jade Rocket Skirting the Red Atmosphere
Fluid Intrusion
'Anchor and spin' together
Motion No. 2
Capture N°1
Aspen Grove Variation
Narratives for the illusion of an imagined face
Motion No. 8
Energies No. 5
Dancers No. 3
River Story No. 2
Voice of the Water
Radio City
Rain Double Gen X
Joy in the Tangles
Sortie de Route
Hair Less
Live bassist

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Photography is a medium of still images; it cannot create the illusion of motion the way in which moving images such as film, video or cartoons can. The static nature of the image itself, however, has never prevented photographers from putting motion in the centre of their endeavours. Instead of freezing the moment they often strive for capturing movement and the passing of time in a variety of ways. The fragile moment might be broken by showing the sweeping power of motion. Capturing motion is never a mere given in photography because it is not a default option of the medium. Depicting or expressing motion is a welcome challenge for photographers; it is also the source of some of the most creative images in diverse photographic genres.


This PH21 Gallery exhibition will be presented in Rome, Italy, in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams, a renowned Italian centre for photography.

Curator's choice

Stelvio Peti: Dancers No. 5

Honourable mentions

Rajan Dosaj: Formation Flying No. 2

Amy Oliver: Pylon No. 2

Anna Schweitzer: Vague à l'âme

Exhibiting photographers

Marea Atkinson (Adelaide, SA, Australia), Paola Francesca Barone (Napoli, Italy), Charles Crain (Mandeville, LA, USA), Robert Crifasi (Boulder, CO, USA), Stefania Cuozzo (Rome, Italy), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), Rajan Dosaj (Van Nuys, CA, USA), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco,CA, USA), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), Lars Gesing (Seattle, WA, USA), Carole Glauber (Ra’anana, Israel), Nadide Goksun (White Plains, NY, USA), Maureen J Haldeman (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Dave Hanson (Price, UT, USA), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Teo Kefalopoulos (Alexandria, Greece), Inbal Kristin (Ashkelon, Israel), Aahron Kritzer (Jerusalem, Israel), Shifra Levyathan (Ramat-Gan, Israel), Gavin Libotte (Sydney, Australia), Richard Luxton (Bristol, UK), Laura Malaterra (Genoa, Italy), Marco Marcone (Rome, Italy), Debbie McCulliss (Greenwood Village, CO, USA), Jose Ney Mila Espinosa (Kissimmee, FL, USA), Fern L. Nesson (Cambridge, MA, USA), Amy Oliver (Longborough, UK), Paola Panatta (Rome, Italy), Stelvio Peti (Rome, Italy), Susan Reyman (Chicago, IL, USA), Joy Robles (Ocala, FL, USA), Inna Rogatchi (Turku, Finland), Russ Rowland (New York, NY, USA), Marian Rubin (Montclair, NJ, USA), Karen Safer (Playa del Rey, CA, USA), Jane Schultz (Bryn Mawr, PA, USA), Anna Schweitzer (Colmar, France), Carl Shubs (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Dina Sirat (Netanya, Israel), Kicca Tommasi (Rome, Italy), Siobhan Wall (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Jagoda Zwiernik (Edinburgh, Scotland)

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