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A juried international photography exhibition

May 28 – June 24, 2015




La Danse Macabre No. 1
La Danse Macabre No. 2
Biking in the Rain No. 1
The Wave and the Lighthouse
I-70 East via 435 North
Biking in the Rain No. 3
No Trespassing
Towards the Light
LnS Mesa 1
Untitled No. 1
Untitled No. 2
Junko Fukazawa
Trees in Stripes
The Visitor
Les Ailes Du Désir
I-70 Exit 49
12 birds
Basha dancing
Seventh Avenue
Talking to the Wind
Waves No. 3
People Hurrying to the Tram
Motion No. 9
Female Geometry No. 3
Memory Land No. 3

Photography is a medium of still images; it cannot create the illusion of motion in the way moving images such as film, video or cartoons can. The static nature of the image itself, however, has never prevented photographers from putting motion in the centre of their endeavours. Instead of freezing the moment they often strive for capturing movement and the passing of time. Depicting or expressing motion is a welcome challenge for photographers; it is also the source of some of the most creative images in diverse photographic genres.



Juror's choice

Coralie Fournier-Moris: La Danse Macabre (No. 1 and 2)


Honourable mentions

Robin AppleBiking in the Rain No. 1

Michael Sean EdwardsThe Wave and the Lighthouse

Dan GemkowI-70 East via 435 North (From the series "Electronic Billboards")


Associate's choice

Bin FengLeftover Chicken Makes a Wonderful Salad (From the series "The American Dream")



Exhibiting photographers

Robin Apple (Palo Alto, CA, USA), Ransom Ashley (Shreveport, LA, USA), Lee Atwell (Seattle, WA, USA), Buchen/Goodwin (Santa Fe, NM, USA), Yinan Cheng (Rochester, NY, USA), Sasha Denisova (St. Petersburg, Russia), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Michael Sean Edwards (New York, NY, USA), Steffen Faisst (Farum, Denmark),  Bin Feng (Savannah, GA, USA), Coralie Fournier-Moris (Nantes, France), Mark Geil (Jackson, MS, USA), Dan Gemkow (Columbia, MO, USA), Josiane Keller (Salzburg, Austria), Vincent Leandro (Talent, OR, USA), Trevor Messersmith (Marlboro, NY, USA), Ludovico Poggioli (Spello, Italy), Omar Reyna (Yukon, Canada), Eunika Rogers (Memphis, TN, USA), Olga Rook (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Anatoly Rudakov (Munich, Germany), Andrii Sarymsakov (Kiev, Ukraine), Bao Ting (WuXi, China), Larry Torno (St. Louis, MO, USA)


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