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A curated international photography exhibition

August 24 – September 17, 2024                                                          newsletter

Dorie Dahlberg
Livingston Street
And All Things Come From the One (3909.1)
Young Tree
Dorie Dahlberg
People in motion 03; Vienna Marathon
People in motion 04; Vienna Marathon
Dancing in the Streets
Motion Studies 1
Just Light 67
Just Light 71
Virtual - Nude of 11th May, 2024
An interesting situation
Orange Motion
Red Motion
The frisbee
12 pm
Red Umbrella
Kalk Bay Series 237
4 Ballerinas
Passing reflections
18th Street
Song of Solomon #1
Night Race
Dancers 9
Dancers 10
Burmese Formation
Electric Static
Spiraling Stair
The Life That You Once Wanted
Caos 3

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Photography is a medium of still images; it cannot create the illusion of motion the way moving images such as film, video, or cartoons can. The static nature of the image itself, however, has never prevented photographers from putting motion in the centre of their endeavours. Instead of freezing the moment, they often strive to capture movement and the passing of time in a variety of ways. The fragile moment might be disrupted by showing the sweeping power of motion. Capturing motion is never a given in photography because it is not a default option of the medium. Depicting or expressing motion is a welcome challenge for photographers; it is also the source of some of the most creative images in diverse photographic genres.

Curator's choice

Dorie Dahlberg: Rose Dance Theater, Twisted

Honourable mentions

Margrieta Jeltema: Music

Trevor Messersmith: Livingston Street

Fern L. Nesson: Untitled

Exhibiting photographers

​Marea Atkinson (Adelaide, SA, Australia), Charles Birnbaum (New York, NY, USA), Mary Constantine (Las Cruces, NM, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), Kevin Flynn (Oakland, CA, USA), Janelle Freiman (La Jolla, CA , USA), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Roger Gottlieb (Port Jervis, NY, USA), Dave Hanson (Price, UT, USA), Lena Heggelund (Holmestrand, Norway), Leena Holmström (Oulu, Finland), Margrieta Jeltema (Bolsena, Italy), Monika Kluza (Düsseldorf, Germany), Vita Foldi Levar (Palatine, IL, USA), Andrea London (New York, NY, USA), Debbie O Lucas (Holly Springs, NC, USA), Richard Luxton (Bristol, UK), Trevor Messersmith (Poughkeepsie, NY, USA), Laura Migliorino (Minneapolis, MN, USA), Robert Morrissey (Portland, OR, USA), Fern L. Nesson (Cambridge, MA, USA), John Potter (Sherril, IA, USA), Susan Reyman (Chicago, IL, USA), Karen Safer (Playa del Rey, CA, USA), Meghanne Sennott (Great Falls, VA, USA), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Edit Ternyák (Budapest, Hungary), Root Yarden (Upper Galilee, Israel)

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