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A curated international photography exhibition

August 26 – September 18, 2021                                                          newsletter

Room in NY
Fleeting Light 1
Road to the south
Full Speed Ahead
La Danza degli Spiriti / The Dance of the Spirits No. 2
Helena No. 1
The TulipLumen
Dance, 2
Carnival Ferris Wheel 1
Carnival Horse 1
Dune Fence
Study for Twisty
Cycling in the Casino
Cascade Vegetale
Astria Gate
At the End of the Day V
At the End of the Day XIII
Gone With the Wind
The Journey
Beautiful Compton Glider
Motion Stopped
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Untitled No. 1
Life is getting Better
Aspen Trees
1,5 seconds - as time goes by (1)
Dance As If No One Is Watching
Kick the Ball
Rotation No. 1
If Dresses Could Fly
Matter of Roots
In isolation
Place the teacup
On the space I

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Photography is a medium of still images; it cannot create the illusion of motion the way in which moving images such as film, video or cartoons can. The static nature of the image itself, however, has never prevented photographers from putting motion in the centre of their endeavours. Instead of freezing the moment they often strive for capturing movement and the passing of time in a variety of ways. The fragile moment might be broken by showing the sweeping power of motion. Capturing motion is never a mere given in photography because it is not a default option of the medium. Depicting or expressing motion is a welcome challenge for photographers; it is also the source of some of the most creative images in diverse photographic genres.  

Curator's choice

Vasilios Papaioannu: Room in NY

Honourable mentions

Tina SejbjergFleeting Light 1

Allan Syphers: Cyclone

Ilya Trofimenko: Road to the south

Exhibiting photographers

Mildred Alpern (New York, NY, USA), Bianca Arnold (Bologna, Italy), Derek Brown (Bangkok, Thailand), Elizabeth Brown (London, UK), Ekaterina Bykhovskaya (Strasbourg, France), Lynden Cline (Cheverly, MD, USA), Michael Corthell (Millis, MA, USA), David Cossini (Sydney, Australia), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Peter Devenyi (Ottawa, Canada), Sylvie Domergue (Antananarivo, Madagascar), Yiannis Galanopoulos (Abu Dhabi, UAE), Suzanne Gonsalez-Smith (Grand Forks, ND, USA), Mikhail Gubin (Kew Gardens, NY, USA), Sheryl Jacobs (Fort Mill, SC, USA), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Theodore Kefalopoulos (Alexandria, Greece), Paul Kessel (New York, NY, USA), John Kosmer (Fly Creek, NY, USA), LART - Tóth Ágnes Réka (Budapest, Hungary), Joanna Madloch (Montclair, NJ, USA), Debbie McCulliss (Greenwood Village, CO, USA), Sabine Nagel (frau_odysseus) (Potsdam, Germany), Vasilios Papaioannu (Washington, DC, USA), Elisabeth Rass (Vienna, Austria), Marian Rubin (Montclair, NJ, USA), Roberto Sabatini (London, UK), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Tina Sejbjerg (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Jo Stapleton (Letchworth Garden City, UK), Streetmax21 (London, UK), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), Rebecca Uliczka (San Luis Potosí, México), Eddy Verloes (Boutersem, Belgium), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Jagoda Zwiernik (Żagań, Poland)

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