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A juried international photography exhibition

July 12 – August 4, 2018                                                                   newsletter

Sink With Running Water
Posztamentum No. 3
Still full of colour
Lines and Squares
Tehran-Darband No. 5
Cleaning Boots
Winter Sun
Trip to the Market
Unseen No. 2
A Mind of Winter No.4
Paris No. 3
Dark Side of the Moon
My superpower is anxiety
Logan's, Enmarket & Chick-fil-A
Niveau 8 No. 3
Patagonia Icescape
Gulf of Alghero
Schwarzwald Snowscape
Geometry No. 1
Secret Eater
Roof at Cashel
Life Under Street Lamps No. 2

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Monochrome photography is usually associated with black and white images. However, in the history of photography other hues, such as sepia and cyan were also used, and today there are countless examples of monochromatic images whose photographic qualities are based on the tonal range of various other colours. While monochromacity used to be a technological limitation for a long time, today it is more of an artistic choice. Photographers may opt for working with the shades of just one colour for compositional reasons or for reasons related to the expressive content of their images, and therefore their decision is to be interpreted. Our appreciation of contemporary monochromatic images is also rooted in the knowledge that the lack of colour range is significant and meaningful, not merely a technological limitation.

Juror's choice

Nikola Djukich: Housewife

Honourable mentions

Bruce BerkowSink With Running Water

Zsolt HamaritsPosztamentum No. 3

Steve Lease: Untitled


Exhibiting photographers

Nupur Agrawal (Pune, India), Bruce Berkow (New York, NY, USA), Linda de'Nobili (Rome, Italy), Nikola Djukich (Novi Sad, Serbia), Steffen Ebert (Sülzetal, Germany), Johan Entchev (Helsinki, Finland), Farzin Foroutan (Mashhad, Iran), Dennis French (Bloomington, IL, USA), Nadide Goksun (Scarsdale, NY, USA), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Zsolt Hamarits (Budapest, Hungary), Jennifer Heins (Woodbridge, VA, USA), Susan Keiser (Ossining, NY, USA), Neil Kirtlan (London, UK), David Glen Larson (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Anne Sophie Le Penru (Tours, France), Steve Lease (Doylestown, PA, USA), Daniel McCormack (Accord, NY, USA), Max Moldau (Berlin, Germany), Balázs Németh (Budapest, Hungary), Michael Nemlich (Har-Adar, Israel),  Adam Onishi (London, UK), Angelica Petryshyn (NJ, USA), Tianran Qin (Beijing, China), Sébastien Rannou (Dublin, Ireland), Ryuten Paul Rosenblum (San Anselmo, CA, USA), Les Schmidt (New Orleans, LA, USA), Sára Sebestyén (Budapest, Hungary), Gökhan Tanrıöver (London, UK), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), Balázs Varga (Budapest, Hungary), Deirdre White (Dublin, Ireland), Cham Yan (Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

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