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A curated international photography exhibition

May 5 – 28, 2022                                                                                 newsletter

Old Waterworks
Old Waterworks Sign
Reflecting New York
Food No. 6
Mont Blanc madness
Vanishing Mediator
Kirlian Poodle
Contrast Archi
No One At The Museum
The Dead and the Living
Waiting for the Next Parade-Mardi Gras
Not So Much a Whisper, No. 1
Not So Much a Whisper, No. 2
Newark Bay Bridge: Almost Night
Partly Sunny, Mostly Cloudy
La Tirelire
Palm Leaves Patterns
Pandemic Shadows No. 73: Delicate flower shadows
No Hunting
Urban Piano Keys
Erika György 45.
Behind the wheel
Lonely House 22
Atomic Bomb Apocalypse
Before Dawn
Crossroad No. 2
Crossroad No. 3
Food No. 1
Of Mysteries and Memories
Dunkin Donuts
beach monochrome
lunalight No. 1
Den #537
Den #579
Deluxe Interior
Power of nature
Reading Borges
Living off the sea
Kate and Megan
Statue of Liberty Ferry
Moon minimal
Brooklyn Street Trees No. 06
Brooklyn Street Trees No. 07
The Sea Captain’s House
Before The Storm 1
Follow Me
Fragmented Reality
Letter from summer to winter
Whisper in the darkness
Anna Lee Kremer 005
A Secret Garden
Finding my way to you
How I fell in love with a storm
Rebirth III
Outweigh No. 3
Outweigh No. 4
Look Up #3
Look Up #4
Light from the right
The Collector Point

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Monochrome photography is usually associated with black and white images. However, in the history of photography other hues, such as sepia and cyan were also used, and today there are countless examples of monochromatic images whose photographic qualities are based on the tonal range of various other colours. While monochromacity used to be a technological limitation for a long time, today it is more of an artistic choice. Photographers may opt for working with the shades of just one colour for compositional reasons or for reasons related to the expressive content of their images, and therefore their decision is to be interpreted. Our appreciation of contemporary monochromatic images is also rooted in the knowledge that the lack of colour range is significant and meaningful, not merely a technological limitation.


Curator's choice

Lindsay Brice: Old Waterworks and Old Waterworks Sign

Honourable mentions

Robert S JohnsonReflecting New York

Laura Malaterra: Food No. 6

Dieter Provoost: Mont Blanc madness

Exhibiting photographers

Mildred Alpern (New York, NY, USA), L. J. Blanksma (Hoquiam, WA, USA), Lindsay Brice (New York, NY, USA), Ole Brodersen (Lyngør, Norway), JP Campbell (Wakefield, QC, Canada), Thierry Camus (Paris, France), Mary Constantine (Las Cruces, NM, USA), Charles Crain (Miami, FL, USA), Sarah Cusimano Miles (Gadsden, AL, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Maks Dannecker (Berlin, Germany), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), Sylvie Domergue (Antananarivo, Madagascar), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Michael Epps (New York, NY, USA), Mike Eubanks (Fallston, MD, USA), George Fleris  (Volos, Greece), Sari Fried-Fiori (Katy, TX, USA), László Gálos (Capelle aan den Ijssel, Netherlands), Rytis Gervickas (Kaunas, Lithuania), Robert S Johnson (New York, NY, USA), James Kezman (Stuttgart, Germany), John Kosmer (Fly Creek, NY, USA), Inbal Kristin (Ashkelon, Israel), Yuliya Lazareva (Dnipro, Ukraine), Laura Malaterra (Genova, Italy), Maria Alejandra Mata (Boston, MA, USA), Diana McKinsey (Clearwater, FL, USA), Janet Milhomme (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Jeff Moscow (Washington, DC, USA), Sabine Nagel (frau_odysseus) (Potsdam, Germany), Marcus Peel (London, UK), John P. Potter (Dubuque, IA, USA), Dieter Provoost (Zedelgem, Belgium), Inna Rogatchi (Turku, Finland), Maria Teresa Salazar (Lima, Peru), Robert A. Schaefer (New Orleans, LA, USA), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), tr smith (Brooklyn, NY, USA), Leland Smith (Darien, CT, USA), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Krisztina Szalmás (Budapest, Hungary), Joshua Tann (Long Beach, CA, USA), Anne Tonion (Cairns Qld, Australia), Leanne Trivett (Johnson City, TN, USA), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), James Van Camp (Denver, CO, USA), Ann Vardanega (Ingham, North Queensland, Australia), Eddy Verloes (Boutersem, Belgium), Chun Wang (Brooklyn, NY, USA), Dee White (Dublin, Ireland), Kent Wisner (Swieqi, Malta), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Root Yarden (Upper Galilee, Israel), Malgorzata Zurada (Zurich, Switzerland)

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