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A juried international photography exhibition

September 6 – October 6, 2018                                                           newsletter

Everyday Beauty
Aluminum Landscape
Winter's Tale
Wall Abstraction, Florence
Dimorph No. 5
Woman In The City
Lucid Dissonance
Before the storm
Empty road home
The little skirt No. 2
By Plane No. 2
My Bedroom
Hello Again
The Big One
Dance as if No One Is Watching
Turn 60 No. 2
In the Flow
Marco Island
Selfie No. 1
Landing in two minutes
Void on Collision No. 6

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Exploring the possibilities of the different technological means of creating photographic images has always been a challenging aspect of the ever-evolving practices of the medium. This not only pertains to traditional devices such as pinhole cameras, but also to new technological advances like mobile photography. Some consider smartphones with their built-in cameras, apps and special effects to have brought us about a revolution in photography on a par with the industry-changing 1888 Kodak camera and its 1897 successor, the folding pocket Kodak camera. Ever since the end of the 19thcentury there have always been voices that decried the mass production of images inherent in new technological developments; this, however, has never stopped photographers from exploring the creative possibilities that the new devices may offer. It is mobile photography now that has become the ground for such experimentation and recognition. We would like to contribute to this development by offering a platform for photographers to show how they make use of the creative potential in mobile photography.

Juror's choice

Sára Sebestyén: Everyday Beauty

Honourable mentions

Erika GyörgyBird

Kaz KondoSlices

Trevor MessersmithPumpkin


Exhibiting photographers

Isabel Afonso (Lisbon, Portugal), Michał Amerek (Podłęże, Poland), Eliza Badoiu (Constanta, Romania), Bruce Berkow (New York, NY, USA), Erik Deerly (Kokomo, IN, USA), Frédéric Deschênes (Montréal, Québec, Canada), László Gálos – Zoltán Vadászi (Budapest, Hungary), Macarena Garrido Pavez (Santiago, Chile), Anita M. Garza (Kokomo, IN, USA), Nadide Goksun (Scarsdale, NY, USA), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Erika György (Budapest, Hungary), Dave Hanson (Wellington, UT, USA), László György Király (Kecskemét, Hungary), Kaz Kondo (Tokyo, Japan), Stefanie Le Pape (Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA), Anne Sophie Le Penru (Tours, France), McLepel (Brussels, Belgium), Laura Malaterra (Genova, Italy), MacKenzie Mercurio (Lacoste, France), Trevor Messersmith (Poughkeepsie, NY, USA), Ileana Montaño (Mexico City, Mexico), Annett Müller–Dorn (Berlin, Germany), Marian Rubin (Montclair, NJ, USA), Maria Cecilia de São Thiago (São Paulo, Brazil), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Sára Sebestyén (Budapest, Hungary), Gal Shahar (Tel Aviv, Israel), Vivien Ullmann (Budapest, Hungary), Zoltán Vadászi (Budapest, Hungary), Pablo Wallinger (Burzaco, Argentina), Hamed Zeinali (Dubai, UAE)

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