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A curated international photography exhibition

December 15, 2022 – January 7, 2023                                                   newsletter

Struggle/Rise #4
Exhaustion depression No. 1
The black eye
Edge of the Universe
Struggle/Rise #6
Struggle/Rise #10
Waterlilies No. 1
Waterlilies No. 3
Selfportrait lumen print #2 series
Selfportrait lumen print #2 series
Evolution of harmony No. 1
Evolution of harmony No. 3
Morella pensylvanica (dying Northern Bayberry; evergreen shrub)
Reynoutriea japonica (burned Knotweed; beach shrub)
Reynoutriea japonica (defoliated Knotweed: beach shrub)
Artemisia vulgaris (blackened Mugwort)
Toxicodendron radicans (dead Poison Ivy; a hardy invasive vine)
Think pink
Dissolution's Seduction
Exhaustion depression No. 2
Exhaustion depression No. 3
Glitch Beach
Starry night
Collodion-archive 71.
3rd Nude of 19th August, 2022
The Wires
The Perch
Falling out
Still Life 83
Still Life 85
Frosted Grass and Aspen Tree Lollipop Reflections
Frosted Grasses and Aspen Tree Reflection in Fog
Opposite senses
Concert for one
Dis/harmony of the Sea No. 1
Dis/harmony of the Sea No. 2
Dis/harmony of the Sea No. 3
Led By Light
Chasing Summer
Pinatubo Landscape No. 2
Pinatubo Landscape No. 3
Creation of Trees
Piazzolla Tune in Red
Dry Lands 1
Dry Lands 2
Cité Perdue
Desert No. 2
Almost blue
The drunken visitor
Point and Line to Plane in Space 12
Point and Line to Plane in Space 13
Between buildings
Skylight light and shadow

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Harmony is an elusive, perhaps even ineffable aspect of photographic images. So is disharmony, its possibly disturbing, but often stimulating opposite. Although many photographers share the view that the communicative impact of images is enhanced by their harmony, there are countless individual artistic interpretations of what makes an image harmonious or disharmonious. Some consider harmony primarily as a visual compositional feature of photographs, also allowing for the unusual, for the unexpected, or even for the disturbing when it comes to compositional harmony or disharmony. For many others, harmony is also a thematic concept, and they find harmonious elements in the communicative content of the image, arising from the various interactions depicted in the photograph. The intentional lack of harmony may also lead to most creative photographic compositions. All photographic genres use the elements of composition to create the sense of harmony or its opposite.


Curator's choice

Brian Cann: Struggle/Rise #4 

Honourable mentions

Sandra Fockenberger: Exhaustion depression No. 1

Richard Luxton: Reflection

Eddy Verloes: The black eye

Exhibiting photographers

Donal Boyd (Reykjavik, Iceland), Brian Cann (Waldenbuch, Germany), Julia Casesnoves (Valencia, Spain), Jacey Coca (Peoria, AZ, USA), Ágota Csiszér (Budapest, Hungary), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Mark A. Dierker (Dubuque, IA, USA), Frani Evedon (Colden, NY, USA), Sandra Fockenberger (Vienna, Austria), Yiannis Galanopoulos (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates), László Gálos (Capelle aan den Ijssel, Netherlands), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Gavin Libotte (Australia, Sydney), Richard Luxton (Bristol, UK), Simone Madeo (Alessandria, Italy), Debbie McCulliss (Greenwood Village, CO, USA), Jose Ney Mila Espinosa (Kissimmee, FL, USA), Sabine Nagel (frau_odysseus) (Potsdam, Germany), Sándor Zsolt Nagy (Budapest, Hungary), Torsten Pauer (Vienna, Austria), Ann Prochilo (Swieqi, Malta and San Francisco, CA, USA), Joy Robles (Ocala, F, USA), Inna Rogatchi (Turku, Finland), Tina Sejbjerg (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Dina Sirat (Netanya, Israel), Anna Marzia Soria (Apulia, Italy), Allan Syphers (Gwynedd Valley, PA, USA), Eddy Verloes (Boutersem, Belgium), Chang Wen-Han (Taipei, Taiwan), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany)

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