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Significant Colour

A curated international photography exhibition

November 19 – December 12, 2020                                                       newsletter

Turning Point
Ancient Chinese Walls: Forbidden City 1, Beijing
The Yellow Frock
Foundation of Imagination
Pacific Ocean Sky
Bo-Kaap; Living in Colour No. 1
Bo-Kaap; Living in Colour No. 3
Portraits No. 2
Portraits No. 3
Being Barbara #50
Being Barbara #51
Ketchup - Pittsburgh, PA
Big Blue No. 3
Big Blue No. 4
Colour out of Space
Essence 3
Garage 1
Take Me With You (Green No. 2)
The Lotus Eaters
British Seaside No. 1
Green and White
3,2,1 Blank
Donation Slips, Buddhist Temple, HCMH
Venice Poster
Floating Sun Particle 2
Venus Cell Blow
Hats and Heights
Exactly Under The Sun
Should I go Or should I stay?
Cars No. 2
Blue Green Algae
Splash One
Splash Nineteen
Wall No. 2
Wall No. 3
Westin Windows
Dari dancing for namkor studio, 2019
System X
Color Labirinth
Worker in Red
Plus Pres No. 3
Ancient Chinese Walls: Yonghe Temple, Beijing
Urbangraphy 20191101
Urbangraphy 20191102-1
Metal Flora
What a Shame
Curtain shadow
Stained glass impact

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There are two kinds of photographs with respect to the significance of their use of colours. On the one hand, ever since colour film technology became widely available, colour has become the default in most photographic practices. That is, some photographs are in colour not because their colours bear some special significance (compared, for instance, to their possible black and white counterparts) but simply because the available film or digital technology has long turned colour to be the common method of capturing photographic images. We may think of these photographs as colour by default. On the other hand, colours are often central to the meaning of photographs for their emphatic, symbolic, psychological, social, compositional, etc. significance. These photographs would not work in black and white the same way or they would not work at all; that they are in colour is not merely a technological given, rather, it is an integral, formative and significant aspect of their photographic meaning. We may think of these photographs as colour by significance.

Juror's choice

Juta Jazz: Turning Point

Honourable mentions

Paul DelpaniTerasse

Vasilios Papaioannu: Brazil

Ryuten Paul RosenblumAncient Chinese Walls: Forbidden City 1, Beijing

Exhibiting photographers

Mildred Alpern (New York, NY, USA), Christopher Behrend (Buffalo, NY, USA), Lindsay Brice (New York, NY, USA), Harriet Brocket (London, UK), Derek Brown (Phayathai Bangkok, Thailand), Eva Brunner (Berlin, Germany), Preston Buchtel (Cleveland, OH, USA), Brian Cann (Waldenbuch, Germany), Jenny Chernansky (New Orleans, LA, USA), Eric Conrad (Lawrence, KS, USA), Dorie Dahlberg (Long Branch, NJ, USA), Paul Delpani (Vienna, Austria), Peter Devenyi (Ottawa  , Canada), Todd Dieringer (Akron, OH, USA), Jacqueline Ennis-Cole (London, UK), Christopher N. Ferreria (San Diego, CA, USA), Christopher Fluder (New York, NY, USA), Lara Genovese (London, UK), John Greiner-Ferris (Quincy, MA, USA), Elena Haliczer (DeKalb, IL, USA), Kip Harris (Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada), Juta Jazz (Nicosia, Cyprus), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Elizabeth Kayl (Loveland, CO, USA), Inbal Kristin (Ashkelon, Isreal), Stefanie Lebowski (Paris, France), Gene Lee (San Francisco, CA, USA), Joyce P. Lopez (Venice, FL, USA), Kit Martin (Chicago, IL, USA), Yoshitaka Masuda (Tokyo, Japan), Brandon Movall (Eden Prairie, MN, USA), Namkor Studio (Moscow, Russia), Satoko Nishioka (Tokyo , Japan), Vasilios Papaioannu (Washington, DC, USA), Léna Piani (Ajaccio, France), Marco Prado (Philadelphia, PA, USA), Ryuten Paul Rosenblum (San Anselmo, CA, USA), Tina Sejbjerg (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Ilya Trofimenko (Dresden, Germany), Henriette Tronrud (Oslo, Norway), Kevin Umbel (Fayetteville, WV, USA), Eszter Varga (Kecel, Hungary), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany)

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