Call for Entries newsletter
Significant Colour
A curated international photography exhibition
May 31– June 24, 2025
There are two kinds of photographs with respect to the significance of their use of colours. On the one hand, ever since colour film technology became widely available, colour has become the default in most photographic practices. That is, some photographs are in colour not because their colours bear some special significance (compared, for instance, to their possible black and white counterparts) but simply because the available film or digital technology has long made colour the common method of capturing photographic images. We may think of these photographs as colour by default. On the other hand, colours are often central to the meaning of photographs for their emphatic, symbolic, psychological, social, compositional, etc. significance. These photographs would not work in black and white the same way, or they would not work at all. That they are in colour is not merely a technological given; rather, it is an integral, formative, and significant aspect of their photographic meaning. We may think of these photographs as colour by significance.
PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for a group exhibition themed Significant Colour. We are looking for submissions from all photographers who are interested in the significance of any colour in photography and would like to share their work with a wider international audience through the exposure of PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly construed, as the significance of colours is independent of generic or stylistic constraints. Indeed, we are interested in all possible creative photographic interpretations of the theme.
One curator’s choice and up to three honourable mentions will be announced. The juror’s choice receives three free entries for any upcoming themed group exhibition calls at PH21 Gallery. (Each free entry includes up to 15 images.)
Curators: Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász
Zsolt Bátori is a curator, photographer, photography theorist, philosopher of art, and educator. He is the founder director and curator of PH21 Gallery, providing group and solo exhibitions to photographers internationally for over a decade in PH21 Gallery, Budapest and in cooperation with galleries in Barcelona, Jersey City, and Rome. Zsolt has nurtured the careers of many photographers who received further exhibition and career opportunities after exhibiting at PH21 Gallery. After obtaining his PhD in Philosophy from Rutgers University he has taught and conducted research at universities in Hungary, the USA, Argentina, and Spain, and his own photographic work has been exhibited internationally. Currently, Zsolt serves as a member of the executive committee of the International Association for Aesthetics and the Association of Hungarian Photographers. He also served as a juror for Photolucida Critical Mass for the years 2023 and 2024. For Zsolt's website, please click here.
Borbála Jász is a curator, art historian, philosopher of art, and educator. She has served as the vice-director and curator of PH21 Gallery for many years, providing international exhibition and career opportunities for photographers worldwide. Borbála earned her PhD in Philosophy and Art History from Eötvös Loránd University. As an art historian, Borbála is especially perceptive to the cultural and historical context, significance, and interconnectedness of photographic images. She also has first-hand experience with the artistic, legal, and practical aspects of collections, having worked extensively with collectors.
Submission deadlines
Early bird deadline: March 24, 2025
Final deadline: March 31, 2025
Notification: All entrants will be notified 10-15 days after the final deadline.
Exhibition dates: May 31– June 24, 2025
There are two submission options:
A) Standard submission:
Until the early bird deadline:
You may submit 3, 5, 7, 10, or 15 images; these may be all individual works, or they may also include a series of maximum 5 photographs. The entry fee is €25.00 for the first 3 images, €30.00 for 5 images, €35.00 for 7 images, €40.00 for 10 images, and €45.00 for 15 images.
After the early bird deadline:
The entry fee after the early bird deadline is €30.00 for the first 3 images, €35.00 for 5 images, €40.00 for 7 images, €45.00 for 10 images, and €50.00 for 15 images.
B) Special fee:
Until the early bird deadline:
There is a special rate for maximum 5 images for students and unwaged persons as well as for applicants from low-income economies.
The special fee is €15.00.
Please do not ask us about your eligibility or send us any proof because we trust your judgement. The special rate is simply for people who – for the reasons indicated above – would not be able to afford the standard fee.
After the early bird deadline:
The special fee after the early bird deadline is €20.00.
Submission rules and guidelines:
Please add ph21.gallery@ph21gallery.com and reg@ph21gallery.com to your whitelist, so that our letters are not treated as spam by your e-mail client.
The entry fee is not refundable.
This call for entries is competitive; entrants are not guaranteed inclusion in the exhibition by submitting an entry. Depending on the number and the quality of the entries received, the work of an entrant may or may not be curated into the show.
The selection of the curators is final.
Please send in the entry fee first (see the payment option at the bottom of the page), and then submit your images by e-mail to