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Feminine / Masculine

A curated international photography exhibition

May 3–27, 2025

Portrayals of femininity and masculinity are, without a doubt, central to numerous art forms, with photography being no exception. The past few decades have sparked often heated discussions and criticisms of past, recent, and current photographic practices due to their lack of reflection on the assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices surrounding approaches to femininity and masculinity. Both fine art and commercial works have been critiqued for the potential consequences of their approach and presentation. Historically, femininity and masculinity have been conceived as oppositions, complements to each other, or positions on a continuum, among other perspectives. There are scarcely any ways of portraying femininity and masculinity that would not be considered trivial, conservative, pretentious, demeaning, distasteful, clichéd, or even offensive by some. It often seems that everything has been said and photographed on this subject; however, it is impossible to ignore the persistence of the theme in our contemporary visual culture. What can we still value and possibly revive from the rich history of photography? Are there any novel ways left to approach this subject with a fresh critical eye?


PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for a group exhibition themed Feminine / Masculine. We welcome submissions from all photographers interested in this subject, aiming to showcase their work to a broader international audience through the exposure provided by PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly construed, as the photographic portrayal of femininity and masculinity transcends generic or stylistic constraints. We are keenly interested in all possible creative photographic interpretations of the theme.

Submission deadlines

  • Early bird deadline: February 24, 2025

  • Final deadline: March 3, 2025

Read more and submit your work here.

Significant Colour

A curated international photography exhibition

May 31– June 24, 2025

There are two kinds of photographs with respect to the significance of their use of colours. On the one hand, ever since colour film technology became widely available, colour has become the default in most photographic practices. That is, some photographs are in colour not because their colours bear some special significance (compared, for instance, to their possible black and white counterparts) but simply because the available film or digital technology has long made colour the common method of capturing photographic images. We may think of these photographs as colour by default. On the other hand, colours are often central to the meaning of photographs for their emphatic, symbolic, psychological, social, compositional, etc. significance. These photographs would not work in black and white the same way, or they would not work at all. That they are in colour is not merely a technological given; rather, it is an integral, formative, and significant aspect of their photographic meaning. We may think of these photographs as colour by significance.


PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for a group exhibition themed Significant Colour. We are looking for submissions from all photographers who are interested in the significance of any colour in photography and would like to share their work with a wider international audience through the exposure of PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly construed, as the significance of colours is independent of generic or stylistic constraints. Indeed, we are interested in all possible creative photographic interpretations of the theme.

Submission deadlines

  • Early bird deadline: March 24, 2025

  • Final deadline: March 31, 2025

Read more and submit your work here.

The (In)Organic

A curated international photography exhibition

May 5 – 14, 2025, PH21@Barcelona

A PH21 Gallery exhibition in Barcelona

The organic and the inorganic shape our world, forming the essence of both natural landscapes and human-made environments. Their dynamic interaction – whether in harmony or contrast – defines our visual and conceptual experiences. The (In)Organic exhibition invites photographers to explore these dualities: the natural and the artificial, the living and the inanimate, the spontaneous and the constructed. Through photography, we seek to reveal the aesthetic, symbolic, and conceptual dialogues between these realms. From the human body to vast landscapes, from architectural structures to intimate interiors and still lifes, the exhibition welcomes both representational and abstract works that challenge, redefine, and reimagine the boundaries between organic and inorganic forms.


PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for a group exhibition themed The (In)Organic. We are seeking submissions from all photographers who are interested in this theme and would like to share their work with a wider international audience through the exposure of PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly defined; we welcome submissions from all photographic genres and styles, including abstract compositions. We are interested in all possible creative interpretations of photographic genres and styles.

Submission deadlines

  • Early bird deadline: March 31, 2025

  • Final deadline: April 7, 2025

Read more and submit your work here.

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The copyright of each image on this site is held by the photographer.

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