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The art of photography

A curated international photography exhibition

October 9–30, 2020, PH21@Rome                                                         newsletter

Dreams During Wartime VIII
Black Circle and Other
Botanical No. 2
Fish and Red Onion
Les Cyclistes #1
Alina one-two-three
Mourning Portrait Diptych
Borders of Loneliness No. 2
Aqua Marine
In Darkness
Debbie and Tracy
Family Tradition
Unconscious Voices
Akt 2020. 08. 07/2.
The Adventures of Olivia and Hazel
Beach Boys No. 4
Archaic River No. 2
Hidden Faces
Déjá vu
Distal Blood Test
Hard to See the Joke
Caravaggesque Lights No. 5
Man in Black with Balloons
Give Wings to Your Dream
Untitled #17
Girl Coming out of Restroom
Window Tunes
Lost Souls
House of Day and Night - Sofa
Shattered Reality
Parallel Dimensions
New frame
A Rabbit Disguised As Me No. 1

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A PH21 Gallery Exhibition in Rome, Italy

Although photography first emerged as a technological invention, it was also quickly conceived as an artistic practice as well. Pictorialist photographs in the nineteenth century were created to look like paintings, while advocates of straight photography in the first part of the twentieth century strived for the purely photographic means of creating photographic meanings. Street photographers devote the medium to capturing the fleeting moment, while in the last decades of the 20th century many photographers turned to staging and directing in order to utilize photography for artistic visual communication. Art photography also includes numerous genres and creative practices from portraiture, landscape and still life to abstract and conceptual photography. In this call we ask contemporary photographers to show how they understand art photography in the 21st century.

This PH21 Gallery exhibition is presented in Rome, Italy, in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams, a renowned Italian centre for photography.

Juror's choice

Preston Buchtel: Dreams During Wartime VIII

Honourable mentions

Angela Lucari: Black Circle and other

Satoko Nishioka: Botanical No. 2

Nancy OliveriFish and Red Onion

Exhibiting photographers

Raffaele Alecci (Rome, Italy), Val Asuga (Minsk, Republic of Belarus), Bruce Berkow (New York, NY, USA), Michael J Berkowitz (Shokan, NY, USA), Preston Buchtel (Cleveland, OH, USA), Catherine Caddigan    (Randolph, MA, USA), Leonardo Cortese (Rome, Italy), Vincent Dupont-Blackshaw (Paris, France), Suzette Dushi (New York, NY, USA), Laurie Toby Edison (San Francisco, CA, USA), Catherine Fairchild (Houston, TX, USA), Christopher Fluder (New York, NY, USA), László Gálos (Salgótarján, Hungary), Suzanne Gonsalez-Smith (Grand Forks, ND, USA), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Pato Hebert (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Leena Holmström (Oulu, Finland), Éva Horvát (Budapest, Hungary), Viktor Jáger (Hosszúhetény, Hungary), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Lodiza LePore (Bennington, VT, USA), Angela Lucari (Rome, Italy), Laura Malaterra (Genova, Italy), Jim McKinniss (Orcutt, CA, USA), Raheleh Mohammad (Cleveland, OH, USA), Satoko Nishioka (Tokyo, Japan), Marisa Nunes (Lisbon, Portugal), Nancy Oliveri (New York, NY, USA), Megumi Otsuka (Tokyo, Japan), Anil S. Purohit (Mumbai, India), Jane Ross (London, UK), Sára Sebestyén (Budapest, Hungary), Zsolt Székelyhidi (Budapest, Hungary), Kevin Umbel (Fayetteville, WV, USA), Ioana Vrabie (Barcelona, Spain), Eiji Yamamoto (Saarbruecken, Germany), Giorgia Zaccaria (Rome, Italy)

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